Monday, August 16, 2010
Multiplication Completion Sheet

Just click on it and it will show you the full screen size. Then you can print it out. Just remember to select Landscape in your printer options.
Thousands of free lessons, & More @EasyFunSchool
" has over 1,500 pages of free unit studies, science projects, recipe and craft ideas, history activities & many other resources to make homeschooling more enjoyable for both child and parent! "
FREEBIE OF THE DAY-- Aug. 16th, 2010
"PINOCCHIO, the Adventures of a Marionette (PDF ebook)
One of the best page-turning, cliff-hanging "classics" you'll ever read to your children, this is the original classic story by Carl Collodi of the mischievous puppet who wanted to be a real boy. This is a high energy, rollicking, often scary, but always fun tale – a far cry from the Disney-fied version. Each chapter ends pretty much on a cliff-hanger, so once you start this, your kids won't let you stop! Loads of illustrations too. Give it a try and let us know what the kids think of THIS Pinocchio!"
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Giveaway - Crayola Green Back to School Essentials

Giveaway - Crayola Green Back to School Essentials
WHEN ~> Giveaway ends 8/18 at 5 pm EST
Quote: "One reader will win a Crayola Back-to-School Essentials prize pack."
Click the link above to find out more about the giveaway!
PBS Teachers Newsletter August 12, 2010
Watching an airbag deploy with a loud noise in their classroom, students learn not only about Newton’s laws of physics but also how physics are applied to save lives. While traditional physics lessons ask students to drop an egg and watch it crash, Michael Lampert’s airbag activity enables students to imagine themselves in a car crash and understand how restraints act during a collision. Watch Lampert’s classroom demonstration at
Lampert conducts this and many other engaging, loud, and messy experiments with his students at West Salem High School in Salem, Oregon, where he teaches microelectronics, physics, and astronomy. His students have won awards in national science and robotics competitions. He has also traveled to Antarctica to study ozone and to Africa to study infrasound. His contributions to PBS’ Wired Science--an exploration of the next generation of science and technology--are featured at
Arthur: Go Green Challenge
Offline Activity
Grade Range: PreK, K-2
Find new ways to be ecologically smart and keep track of your accomplishments with Arthur’s seven go green challenges.
Mathline: In a Heartbeat
Lesson Plan
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
Use scatter plots to determine the relationship between heartbeats per minute and aerobic exercise.
Cyberchase: The Fractionator
Grade Range: K-2, 3-5
Super math hero The Fractionator explains how to divide a banana into different fractions to eat with his cereal.
The National Parks: America’s Best Idea: Ask a Ranger
Offline Activity
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
Interview a park ranger and create a story about a National Park using video or other media.
The Electric Company: Shock’s Beatbox
Grade Range: K-2, 3-5
Engineer your own hip-hop music while learning the sounds of different letters and parts of words to create new sound combinations.
History Detectives: Hot Town Poster, Face Jug, Lost City of Gold
On-Air | Monday, August 16, 9pm
Grade Range: 9-12
Learn how a political poster influenced public behavior, discover the connection between a piece of ceramic art and the underground railroad, and investigate what a rock inscription in Phoenix may tell us about the first European visitors to that area.
Faces of America: Ma Family History
Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Discover how some old books that no one seemed to want contained invaluable records of the family history of cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010
C-SPAN Classroom Contest
There's still time to win a free Flip Ultra Video Camera for your classroom! All you have to do is add your work to
C-SPAN's Constitution Clips.
C-SPAN Classroom's 2010 Summer Fellows and the Education Department have created a virtual U.S. Constitution. It features video clips taken from C-SPAN's Video Library with prominent political figures discussing various parts of the Constitution.
Here's how you can win:
1. Look through C-SPAN's Constitution Clips.
2. Find a phrase that interests you.
3. Search C-SPAN's Video Library for a clip that addresses that phrase.
4. Clip that section. Clips should be between 30 seconds and 10 minutes in length.
5. Submit the clip to C-SPAN Classroom through our Ning page by sharing the clip's link in the discussion area. Identify which section your clip addresses. Make sure to leave your name and your school's name, so we can credit your work.
We will award a free Flip Ultra Video Camera to the first twenty teachers who post clips that we select for our Constitution Clips. We are looking for clips that feature speakers who represent the diversity of the population of the United States.
We'll officially launch C-SPAN's Constitution Clips on by Labor Day. After the launch we will continue to add video clips that we hope will provide more robust options for you to use in your classroom. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Good luck on your search, and we can't wait to see what you come up with!
C-SPAN Classroom
SpellingCity Helps With Back To School
"Students embrace SpellingCity's engaging format. The games and activities give parents a variety of ways to start sharpening their students' academic skills in the following areas:
* Vocabulary- Help for all ages and subjects.
* Phonics - - Import a SpellingCity phonics-based word list.
* Writing - Parents can customize the writing instructions!
* Handwriting - Handwriting practice with spelling lists is a perennial favorite.
* Alphabetical order - It's hard with paper and pencil but easy with SpellingCity.
* Spelling - TestMe, HangMouse, MissingLetter, SpeedySpeller and more!"
Saturday, August 14, 2010
TN History for Kids
At the top of the screen it will tell you to select your grade. K thru High school.
There are many lessons, games, and quizes for your students to take to learn more about the State of Tennessee.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
FREEBIE OF THE DAY-- Aug. 10, 2010
QUOTE: "Today's resource, courtesy of our sister site Homeschool Radio, is this great half hour audio dramatization of Sir Walter Scott's immortal classic story, "Ivanhoe". Along with the audio, we have a fine abridged version of the actual book and a coloring page to keep little hands busy while listening to this "living book for the ears" audio story."
Monday, August 9, 2010
Why we homeschool
- #2: When one of my children were in the public school system for the last time, they were studying about Man-made and Earth-made products. But her teacher, who was a very christian woman (I am not bashing any religions, you'll understand my point), decided to tell everyone that it was either Man-Made or God-made. This I have a problem with. So I contacted her and told her that religion didn't have a place in public school. And that she needed to be teaching it the way it was suppose to be taught which was Man-Made or Earth-Made. She told me that she didn't have to. So I contacted the principal and the school board. Still, nothing was done about it. So I basically re-taught my child about the right lesson on it. Also, the same teacher, refused to teach her 4th grade class their multiplication tables. She taught them the easy ones (2,3,4,5,6,10) and stated that they would learn the rest in 5th grade. She was very lazy and no one would do anything about it. She would also play on the internet games and be talking on her cell phone instead of teaching. She would have one of her students take over reading, etc if her cell phone rang. I could on and on and on. But I will leave it at that.
- #1: The top reason why I decided to homeschool was because my county in TN, which is mainly farmland and country folks, decided to implement a uniform dress code. Claiming that it would get rid of the gang affliations that were going on in the schools. Which is a total lie. But anyways, in order for your child to attend the public school, you would have to go out and purchase specific clothing for them. This may not sound like a big deal, we like I said we are a sort-of small town where 90% of the people where jeans and T-shirts. However, with the new uniform dress code, jeans and tees are not allowed. They must have khaki pants, shorts, polo shirts of a specific color depending what school your child goes to. The pants cannot have any different colored thread, designs, etc. And as of this year, all shirts MUST be tucked into their pants so the teachers/principals can see their waist and rears to make sure "they are not carrying any guns". And the best part is that none of the stores in our town carry the clothes that are required. So you have to go to the nearest big town which is about 30+minutes away to purchase the clothing. I have 3 kids, so it would cost us approx. $300 and that is not counting the school supplies, room fees, lunch, field trips, etc. We are a one income family, so there is no way we could afford around $500 to send the kids to school. So we decided to homeschool. We now spend roughly $50 maybe a little more to school all 3.
Everyone has different reasons why they want to homeschool. Neither one of reasons may seem a good enough one for you or someone else. And there are reasons why others homeschool, which I don't understand. But that is the best thing about homeschooling, YOU control what you teach and when and why. No one can make the decision for you. Homeschooling is a full time job that you will not get physical pay for (except for hugs and kisses). But it is well worth any trouble that you may face.
FREEBIE OF THE DAY: Monday, August 9
After reading about ancient world history, homeschooled
brothers Mark and Steven Erickson became fascinated by
historic weapons and warfare. They decided to make
their own shields, swords and other weapons so that
they could act out the history about which they had learned.
In this cool ebook, they share how to create your own
shield and buckler out of duct tape & a little creativity!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
FREEBIE OF THE DAY -- August 2nd
This one is for Homeschool Moms. It's about time management
Friday, July 30, 2010
Today they have video treasures that you can watch.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
FREE Frosty at Wendy's

Also at the Lowe's Building Workshop for kids, they are offer a FREE coupon for a FREE Jr. Frosty at Wendy's! **While supplies last**
Lowe's Building Workshop for Kids
Everything is theirs to keep EXCEPT for the hammer. If you cannot stay and build, you can stop by and pick up the packs so they can build them at home. Also you can check the your local store to see if they do happen to have left over packages from other projects that you can have for FREE. Sometimes they have extras and sometimes they don't.
But if you are interested in purchasing a building project for your children, you can buy them here:
The kits are $5.98. I am not sure on the price of shipping, but they do offer free shipping if you purchase more than $49.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Anti-Bullying Activities
There info for kids and adults. Also there are webisodes, games and more.
There is a list of various activities that you can do to teach anti-bullying.
A question sheet that you can go over verbally or print it out for your students. There are yes and no questions such as "Do you try to help other children get along?" or "Do other children think you are mean?"
Anti-Bullying Video
"We the People" (Youtube video)
This song was produced by Talking Hands Talking Feet for its Constitution Day Activity Kit
Freebie of the Day -- July 28th
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Freebie of the Day -- July 27th
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Freebies of the Day - July 22nd
GameHouse Games : Mahjongg Investigations (hidden object game)-
Biting/Stinging Bugs/Camping - Health/Science
A Chigger Bit Me! -
A Gnat Bit Me! -
A Bee Stung Me! -
A Mosquito Bit Me! -
A Fire Ant Stung Me! -
A Brown Recluse Spider Bit Me! -
A Black Widow Spider Bit Me! -
Camping and Woods Safety -
What's is Dehydration?
Sign up for Subway's Random Acts of Fitness
You will receive a spiriled book that has a calendar of the year and on each day there are suggestions on what to do that day. There are also questions and lots of educational and fitness questions, quizes, and puzzles for your students to do.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Weekly Lesson Plan (Printable)
Here is a form that you can print out if you are in need of a Weekly planner.
I create my own from Microsoft Works Word Processor.

Tennessee’s fifth annual sales tax holiday
Tennessee’s fifth annual sales tax holiday set for Friday, Aug. 6 through Sunday, Aug. 8.
With no taxes, shoppers can save nearly 10 percent on clothing, school and art supplies and computers that weekend. Many retailers also are offering additional sales for the weekend.
During the designated three-day weekend, shoppers will not pay state or local sales tax on select clothing with a price of $100 or less per item, school and art supplies with a price of $100 or less per item and computers with a price of $1,500 or less.
Visit the sales tax holiday website at to learn more about the items exempt from sales tax. A Facebook page dedicated to the sales tax holiday is located at
The Tennessee Department of Revenue also assists consumers through its toll-free statewide telephone hotline, 800-342-1003. Nashville area callers should dial 615-253-0600. Staff is available to answer questions Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Here is a list of example items that are eligible for the sales tax exemption:
• Clothing: Shirts, dresses, pants, coats, gloves and mittens, hats and caps, hosiery, neckties, belts, sneakers, shoes, uniforms whether athletic or non-athletic and scarves
• School Supplies: Binders, book bags, calculators, tape, chalk, crayons, erasers, folders, glue, pens, pencils, lunch boxes, notebooks, paper, rulers and scissors}
• Art Supplies: Clay and glazes; acrylic, tempera and oil paints; paintbrushes for artwork; sketch and drawing pads; and watercolors
• Computers: Central processing unit (CPU), along with various other components including monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables to connect components and preloaded software (Note: While the CPU may be purchased separately, other items must be part of a bundled computer package in order to be eligible.)
Monday, July 19, 2010
How to Create Lapbooks
FREEBIE of the Day!
Every day this wonderful family who runs the blog gives away great schooling lessons, audio, video, etc. Everything is completely free to use and download.
Today is "The Story of the Constitution" which is an audio and ebook
Good Morning!
Good Luck to everyone this schooling year and those who may be new to the home school scene.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Angles in Circles-Geometry
This is a PDF that you can download or print-out explaining about the different angles that are within circles in studying Geometry.
Science and Tech
On-Air Sunday, July 18
Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Tour this 5,000-mile mountain range which stretches across seven countries includes glaciers, volcanoes, and rainforests home to abundant and adaptable wildlife.
Sesame Street: A Twiddlebug Tool Adventure
Grade Range: PreK
Explore simple machines and practice problem-solving skills by helping a twiddlebug find his way home.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010
Where Does Your Paycheck Go?
Offline Activity
Grade Range: 9-12
Will you be surprised when you get your first paycheck from your first job and the dollar amount is not what you expected? Learn how taxes, Social Security, and Medicare affect your take-home pay.
Grade Range: 2-5, 6-8
Read up on the reasons to go to summer camp, what to pack, and how to make friends once there.
Fizzy’s Lunch Lab: Hydration
Lesson Plan
Grade Range: K-2, 2-5
Why is it so important to hydrate our bodies--and all living things--in the summer and throughout the year, and what happens if we’re dehydrated? An abundance of water is necessary for our bodies and our planet to sustain life.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010
PBS Newsletter 7/18/2010
Learn about the daily challenges and nightly thrills of actual jobs in the circus as CIRCUS brings viewers backstage in the big top of the Big Apple Circus. In this multi-part series, meet the clowns, tightrope walkers, trapeze artists, and animal trainers as well as musicians, cooks, teachers, and even clergy who make up the traveling city.
Watch the sneak preview of CIRCUS on July 18.
CIRCUS will air Wednesdays, November 3-17 at 9pm ET.
Design Squad Contest Seeks Kids’ Recyclable Ideas
PBS' engineering competition series Design Squad is offering kids a chance to get in on the action. The 2010 Trash to Treasure Competition challenges kids ages 5 to 19 to take everyday discarded or recycled materials and re-engineer them into functional products. Three winners will win a trip to Boston to see their designs built and will appear on the TV show and Web site. 25 finalists will also be featured on the Web site. Find out more and enter online by September 5, 2010.
Three-Minute Film Contest Welcomes Young Filmmakers and Reading Rockets are sponsoring The Exquisite PromptWrite It, Film It Video Contest for aspiring filmmakers ages 7 to 18. Using idea prompts conceived by popular writers such as Jon Scieszka, Katherine Patterson, and Lemony Snicket, kids will write and direct and maybe even star in short films in a variety of genres. Prizes include a video camera, book and DVD collections, and movie tickets. The deadline for submissions is August 13. Learn more at
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
**NEW Search Box**

and the results will come up.

If you would like to go to the website that I linked to directly then click on "Linked From Here"

The Universe: An Introduction - Smithsonian Education
A new lesson plan with downloadables **which is FREE and safe** at the Smithsonian Education center. It is:
The Universe: An Introduction
The downloads include:
- The Universe Lesson Plan (PDF)
- Activity Materials for Lesson 1&2 (PDF)
- A print ready student record sheet for Lesson 1 (PDF)
- And there is a link to the interactive visual game
Careers choices
Here is a large list of various careers that your child may be interested in. Just find the field, which is listed in alphabetical order, and click the link. It will then direct you to more information about the subject.
For an example, one of my daughters is wanting to be a vet, which she has wanted to be forever, so if you scroll down toward the end of the page you will see Animal Doc
This site is designed for kids and answers animal questions that you child may have. Such as
- Why do dogs act the way that they do?.
- How do animals get worms?
- Facts about sheep
- How do they operate on horses?
I also have another daughter that wants to be a Fashion Designer, so I clicked on the title and went to
This site lists all of the qualifications that she will need.
Career and WorkForce Videos
There are some FREE career oriented videos here that can help your child learn what are needed and what are done in various workforce jobs.It is hosted by America's Career InfoNet.They have nearly 500+ videos in English and over 300 videos in Spanish.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
School Express newsletter
Click the link above to subscribe to the School Express newsletter.
Each week you will receive a newsletter letting you know about what they have added to their website AND a link to a FREE download of the week's theme unit.
Every week it changes. This week's theme unit is titled “Coral Reefs”. Next week's theme unit will be "Landforms".
It is free and it is easy to unsubscribe from if you feel the need to.
Toy Story 3 Review
A quick review: Andy is going off to college and so he has to make the decision of what toys to place into the attic, or take with him to college, or to throw away. I won't give all of the details away, but the toys go on a wild adventure from SunnySide Daycare Center to the landfill and then to home. It will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what is about to happen next. You will catch yourself laughing out loud and embarrassing your children ** guilty here, :D **
But if you get the chance to watch, the kids and adults will love it!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Some Survey companies that I use
As a member of OpinionSquare, you'll have the opportunity to earn valuable rewards like sweepstakes entries, points redeemable for exciting prizes, and cash just for taking surveys.
Points2Shop cash out is $5.50 or use points for items at
Mindfield: Cash out is a $5 check
RewardTV: Take tests on TV/Movies that you watched the night/day before. I recently won on the Shopping Spree which happens twice a week. I have gotten alot of gift cards and gifts from this site.
Valued Opinions: Cash out is $20 for Visa pre-paid gift card
BzzAgent: Try out new products and get awarded points to be used at MyPoints.
My Points: Click to read emails, surveys, and more for points that you use to purchase gift cards.
Pinecone Research-- Get a $3 check per survey
I have been with Pinecone Research for quite some time now. It is a survey company where they send you surveys in your email to answer. From time to time, they also mail you items to test out. All company names and such are confident (which they will explain when you sign up), but I have personally been sent to test:
- dog food
- lotion
- candy
- beverages
- food
- hygiene items
At Pinecone, you don't have to worry about points or cashing out. Everytime you do a paid survey, they automatically send you a check for $3. If you have a paypal account, you can link up so your $3 gets sent to your paypal instead of a physical check. I normally receive anywhere from 1-4 checks a month from them.
There is only 1 account allowed per household. The surveys are only a few minutes long.
If you have any questions, you can email them at or click on the attached links to learn more about PineCone Research.
Another addition to my fund
I also cashed out at OpinionSquare for a AMC movie ticket for 1 person for my bil for father's day. (He saw the movie "The A-Team")
Added to our Fund today

What and How we teach
I created my lesson plan sheet on my PC using Microsoft Works Word Processor, which came with the HP computer that we got.
This is what it looks like:

I just print them out and fill them out by hand. Then use my 3-hole punch to punch the holes in them so I can easily put them into my binder when the week is finished.
After printed them out, I prepare them and when I have that child's week done, I have a set of regular file folders that I write the week's dates on the tab in pencil, (so I can erase when that week is done and write the next week's date on them) and I place the sheets in there. I paperclip together the lesson plan sheet, which is on top, then any other worksheets that they may have. That way they have all of the work for that week clipped together.
I normally prepare about 3 months worth of work at a time. So I am prepared if something goes wrong, like I become sick or hurt, their work is ready for them. For an example, this past year I caught a very nasty flu and was basically bed-ridden for a month or so. But, my kids' lesson plans were already prepared, so we didn't get behind in any work.
***CW on the sheet above means Creative Writing. LA on the sheet above means Language Arts. Our Activity time differs from week to week. One week it is Spanish, the next is Keyboard, the next is Art, and the next is Poetry.***
Homeschool Attendance Calendars
Since schooling for us is about a month or so away, I went ahead and printed out my calendar that I use for keeping attendance. I print out 4 copies. Three of them for each one of my children, which gets turned in to the Board of Education, which we are signed up with. And the last one is my copy. At the end of the year, I always put it in the binder that contains all of my lesson plan sheets for that year.
**I create lesson plan sheets for each one of my children, each a week's worth of work. After the week is done, I put the sheets in a binder with the year (so I can keep track just in case someone wants to know what we do), and I keep them seperated by using dividers.**
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Adding to our Vacation fund
- Coupon for free can of Libby veggies (facebook)
- Coupon for a Weight Watchers Smart Ones
- Gillette razor
- Jeff Gordon Fan Club kit
- $5 Subway gift card
- $3 check from Pine Cone Research
- $20 Visa card from Valued Opinions
- $5.50 check from Opinion Outpost
- $6.45 check form Opinion Outpost
- $14.43 check from Viewpoint
- $2 check from Survey Spot
- (2) $5 Shell gift cards
- $10 BP gift card
- $10 Lowe's gift card
- Coupon for a free Goji Berry Juice
And I am currently doing 3 product testings. Woo-Hoo!
Couponing to Disney -- My Favorite Blog!!!
Well, I am going to tell you a little about the blog.
It is ran by a wonderful lady who posts tips, coupons, and much more to help us moms and families out to save some cash. Every year, she piles up all of the extra cash, survey cash, etc and they set a goal to go to Disney every year. It may seem far fetch, but I can tell it that it can happen.
My family and I set a goal to get a trampoline and a swimming pool, the kids have been begging to have. Within 6 months, we have them both by just using the survey money and extra money that we saved by using coupons and getting free stuff.
For an example, she posted about a coupon at Redplum that was for $1 off of Axe deordorant. Well, at Wal-Mart you will find the sample sizes (not the sprays) for about $.97. So the coupon basically gives you a free Axe. There have been other coupon just like that. She has a running tab on super-low priced and free items located at Wal-Mart, Targets and more.
Thanks to her, we are setting a new goal starting next month to save up to go on our first family vacation. There will be 5 of us. We are wanting to go to the Aquarium in Gatlinburg or the one in Chatanooga. It will have to be a day trip because we have outside animals that have to be taken care of.
But, stop on by her blog since school is out for the summer and take a look around to see if there is anything that can help you out.
So how do you like it?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
PBS Teachers Newsletter June 10, 2010
It's summertime! What a great time to slow down or cool off with a good book. Browse and print Reading Rockets' 2010 summer booklist
Gulf Oil Spill Resources for the Classroom
Local PBS station WSRE has compiled a list of parent, teacher and kid resources regarding the Gulf oil spill at
Activity Packs: Offline Activity
Arts Everywhere Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8
Explore the meanings and moods of color through art, music, vocabulary, dance and cultural activities. Examine how the arts are used to portray personal feelings and depict social protest in society, and research the artwork of Norman Rockwell.
Martha Speaks: Interactive
Make the BandGrade Range: PreK, K-2
Create a musical composition for a band of kids and dogs using the control panel to choose the tempo, vocalists and instruments for the melody and rhythm. Build vocabulary by learning words that describe music.
WPSU: Energy Education for the 21st Century: Walk a Mile for a Burger?
Lesson PlanGrade Range: 6-8
Compare calories burned during a period of walking with the number of calories in certain types of food. Use a pedometer to associate physical activity (physical energy) with calories burned (chemical energy).
Nature: Horse and Rider On-Air: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 8 - 9:00 pm
Offline: Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Every relationship between horse and rider rests on a few fundamental principles. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1 year)
Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil and the Presidency
On-Air: Monday, June 14, 2010, 9 - 11:00 pm
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
A biography of America's seventh president, this program explores whether Americans should celebrate Jackson or apologize for him. (CC, Stereo, 1 year)
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010 PBS Online
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Stones River National Battlefield Events
Visitors will gather on the back patio of the visitor center and listen to soldiers and civilians who will share their tales of loss and sorrow.
The program will begin at 7 PM on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Reservations are required and must be made by calling (615) 893-9501 starting on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 9 AM. Reservations will not be taken in the visitor center or by e-mail. There is a limit of four tickets per caller and reservations are not transferable to another program date.
If you have always wanted to hear the stories told during the cemetery lantern tours but were physically unable to join them, this is the program for you.
These programs are a part of a series of interpretive programs offered at the battlefield during the year. Stones River National Battlefield is located on the Old Nashville Highway, northwest of Murfreesboro. Additional information is available at the visitor center, at the park web site or by calling (615) 893-9501.
Superintendent Stuart Johnson announced that Stones River National Battlefield will offer Hallowed Ground: A Lantern Tour of Stones River National Cemetery during 2010. Each scheduled evening, one hour tours of up to thirty-five people will tour the cemetery by lantern light and listen to the stories of the soldiers who are buried there and their families.
The next program will begin at 7:30 PM on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Reservations are required and must be made by calling (615) 893-9501 starting on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 9 AM. Reservations will not be taken in the visitor center or by e-mail. There is a limit of four tickets per caller and reservations are not transferable to another program date.
These programs are a part of a series of interpretive programs offered at the battlefield during the year. Stones River National Battlefield is located on the Old Nashville Highway, northwest of Murfreesboro. Additional information is available at the visitor center, at the park web site or by calling (615) 893-9501.
Pinecone Research-- Get a $3 check per survey
I have been with Pinecone Research for quite some time now. It is a survey company where they send you surveys in your email to answer. From time to time, they also mail you items to test out. All company names and such are confident (which they will explain when you sign up), but I have personally been sent to test:
- dog food
- lotion
- candy
- beverages
- food
- hygiene items
At Pinecone, you don't have to worry about points or cashing out. Everytime you do a paid survey, they automatically send you a check for $3. If you have a paypal account, you can link up so your $3 gets sent to your paypal instead of a physical check. I normally receive anywhere from 1-4 checks a month from them.
There is only 1 account allowed per household. The surveys are only a few minutes long.
If you have any questions, you can email them at or click on the attached links to learn more about PineCone Research.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Just a Reminder:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
PBS Newsletter
Are you looking for preschool activities this summer? PBS is currently looking for preschool teachers interested in doing a pilot this summer for the PBS KIDS PLAY! Classroom Edition. (Broadband access is required) There is no cost to the school in exchange for feedback about the service. The pilot will run through August 31, 2010. If you are interested please send an email to and include your name, school name, email address and phone number. Thank you.
PBS Educational Media Engage Your World Sweepstakes
What a way to end the week. If you are feeling lucky checkout our PBS Educational Media Engage Your World Sweepstakes. It's easy to enter and no purchase is necessary. You could win a fabulous DVD collection valued at more than $3000!
Enter here:
Sesame Street: Elmo's Special
InteractiveGrade Range: PreK, K-2
Help young children cope with feelings of sadness when they are separated from a working parent. Use games and stories to help children feel less anxious in such situations.
Nature: Man's Best Friend: Dog Sense
Audio/Video Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8
Compare dogs' senses of smell and hearing to those of humans. Consider how humans have relied on the instincts of dogs for survival.
Building Literacy Through Play
OnlineGrade Range: PreK, K-2
Playgrounds offer loads of fun, but they're also a place where literacy can happen. Use your next trip to the park or playground as an opportunity to build your child's literacy skills. See how kids can learn through play.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
PBS Teacher Previews
Design Squad, PBS’ engineering reality competition series, goes to school with the Design Squad Teacher’s Guide. Written specifically for middle school science and technology teachers, the guide features 3 units that focus on topics found in physical science curricula—force, electricity, and sound. In each of the guide’s open-ended challenges, students use the engineering design process and apply core science concepts. In the process, they develop a working understanding of these concepts, increase their enthusiasm for engineering, and see engineers as creative problem solvers who make a difference in the world. The challenges use low cost, readily available materials and are linked to national science and technology standards.
Order your free copy of the Design Squad Teacher’s Guide at:
Gulf Oil Spill Resources for the Classroom
Local PBS station WSRE has compiled a list of parent, teacher and kid resources regarding the Gulf oil spill at
KAET: ASSET-Eight: MathActive: Navajo Rug Interactive
Grade Range: PreK, K-2
Examine the geometric shapes found in Navajo rugs and design your own rug using squares and triangles. Click on "Start Lesson" to begin the interactive.
NOVA: Mystery of the MegavolcanoOn-Air & Online
Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 8 - 9:00 pm
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
The Toba eruption during the Ice Age may have helped kick the climate into a freeze and perhaps pushed ancestral human populations to the brink of extinction. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1 year)
Secrets of the Dead: Airmen and the HeadhuntersOn-Air & Online
Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 8 - 9:00 pm
Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
Explore the extraordinary survival story of a crew of airmen shot down over the jungles of Japanese-occupied Borneo during World War II. (CC, Stereo, HD, 1 year)
Save Money on BooksOnline
Grade Range: PreK, K-2
You know how important it is to read to your kids but also know how expensive books are. While libraries are a great resource, it's important for kids to have some titles they can call their own. Find out how to get more for less.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online. Copyright 2010 PBS Online
Free Money for School,etc
As a member of OpinionSquare, you'll have the opportunity to earn valuable rewards like sweepstakes entries, points redeemable for exciting prizes, and cash just for taking surveys.
Points2Shop cash out is $5.50 or use points for items at
Mindfield: Cash out is a $5 check
RewardTV: Take tests on TV/Movies that you watched the night/day before. I recently won on the Shopping Spree which happens twice a week. I got a Lowe's and a BP Gift Card.
Valued Opinions: Cash out is $20 for Visa pre-paid gift card
BzzAgent: Try out new products and get awarded points to be used at MyPoints
My Points: Click to read emails, surveys, and more for points that you use to purchase gift cards.
My books from

I flipped through the pages, and they look great. There are no markings for damage or anything.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Scrubbing Bubbles® Extend-a-Clean™ Power Sprayer

I joined a website called "BuzzAgent" and they send you products to try and send in reports about. Well last week, they sent me the Scrubbing Bubbles® Extend-a-Clean™ Power Sprayer to try. The products states that it has the cleaning power to clean for 4 days before you have to clean again. It gets rid of soap scum and all of the little nasties in your tub. The sprayer is unique as well, you flip the switch on the handle to "unlock" and pull and hold the trigger. It automatically and continuously sprays. To clean just spray, let it foam for a few minutes and then wipe.
I was kind-of skeptical at this product until I tried it. It does exactly what it says it will do. I didn't clean the tub for about a week, so I could try out the cleaning solution. And now, the tub is sparkly clean agin, without the hard scrubbing.
Not only does the spray clean, it makes your bathroom smell and feel fresh. It is a sort-of a faint orange smell, not too strong but pleasant. I know as a parent you really don't have alot of time to be cleaning the house when the little ones are running around, but this is a MUST HAVE! You can spray it, and wiat about it for a few minutes and then go back to it.
Monday May 17th Freebies of the Day
Walgreens - sign up for an account and get 25 Free photo prints:
CVS - 50 free photos code when you sign up:
Computer Science Unplugged
Download a FREE book of lessons on how to teach computer science without having to use a computer
SciGirls on PBS
Quote from the above page:
"Every girl can be a SciGirl with a groundbreaking new TV show and interactive website that will transform the way tween girls look at science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The empowering series has the right formula to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers with an engaging combination of actual girls exploring real-world science and math alongside successful female mentors in the field – plus an online destination unlike any other where young viewers can share their own exciting ideas and projects."
Replay of PBS Webinars
If you missed any of the Webinars that were offered on PBS, click the link above and it will take you to their archive list so you can watch a replay of them.
Diary of Anne Frank

YouTube video:
Teacher's Guide:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Free Money from
I know you have seen the banner over on the side of this blog, but I thought I would explain the site to you. This site has hundreds if not thousands of links to survey sites, product testing,etc. Where you can earn checks, prizes, points, and cash. As the US rules on taxes, as long as you do not make over $600 you do not have to claim it on your income tax.
When you click on Amy's site, you will see a list of links on the left hand side. One of them is called "Join us at our Forum". You do not need to register to view the forum. This is where the latest surveys, bulletin boards, etc that are only for a specific time frame are posted. They are generally posted under the "Local and Limited". I post a lot on these two with the money making surveys, group meetings, etc that I find.
Just recently I did a bulletin board, where I had to sign off and on throughout 3-days answering questions on a forum like board about products. After the 3 days were done, I received a $75 virtual Visa card. It's a gift card that you have to use online.
So, check it out, some of the $75 is what I used to buy the books at Abe Books.
BizKids- Helping kids
I found this site while searching around for Economic teachings. This is a video series that encourages kids that they are inventive and there are ways to make money and successful.
Teaching Citizenship
This link is from the UK, but I found that there was no difference from our beliefs.
Abe Books - Low prices for books and textbooks
I found a site a couple of days ago with books and textbooks that were very low prices, even for the teacher's editions. I asked people in a Yahoo Group, (TNHomeEd), that I am a member of about it. And they said that they do shop from this place and it is legit. So I gave it a try. Since I am going to school my kids through High School (hopefully), I went ahead and started to buy what they will need. My oldest is now entering 7th grade so it's not that far away from 9th.
I spent a total of $18.76 for:
- World History: The Human Experience-$4.15
- Algebra I-$3.97
- Glencoe Language Arts, Grammar and Composition-$6.67
- Glencoe Physical Science-$3.97
All of these are Teacher Editions. They are used, but I see nothing wrong with using books that have been gently worn and used. The seller of the books contacted me late last night through email and said that I would be receiving them shortly, possibly next week. Plus the best thing is that the shipping was FREE!
My shipment from Points 2 Shop came in yesterday

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Word Girl Definition Competition
So how did your class do with the Word Girl Definition Competition?
I had mine sitting at the table with a pencil and paper and jotted down the answers.
If you missed it, it will replay today at 3pm cst, 4pm est.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Free Dvd's & Posters For Teachers
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Free Homeschool ID Card

*Offline Activity
**Grade Range: 6-8, 9-12
Find out about First Lady Michelle Obama’s child obesity campaign. Consider the role of diet and exercise in developing a healthy lifestyle, learn basic nutritional and exercise needs for teens and investigate your school's health and fitness programs.
Nature: Man's Best Friend
*Lesson Plan
**Grade Range: 3-5, 6-8
Examine the different ways dogs use their senses of smell and hearing to help humans. Discover the skills of different breeds of dogs and describe tasks performed by sheep dogs, sled dogs and service dogs.
Reproduction of PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Points 2 Shop
Points 2 Shop is a wonderful site! You complete offers, surveys, daily clicks, and can even play games for points and cash. I am using this site to purchase (actually get free) all of the books that I will need for the 2010-2011 school year. So far in the past month, I have cashed out for:
1. Everything You Need To Know About English Homework (Everything You Need To Know..)
2. a $1 bill
3. Pre Algebra: A Transition to Algebra: Teacher's Edition
4. The Condemned (Widescreen Edition) **gift for family member**
5. Science Voyages: Level Blue Florida Edition
**(proof below)**

2010 Census: It's About Us United States Lessons
2010 Census: It's About Us United States Lessons
Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge
The Scholastic Summer Challenge is a free, Web-based program that helps kids find great books and provides a fun, multimedia platform for them to discover new authors, talk about books with other kids, and keep motivated to read all summer long.
This year's Summer Challenge unites students and schools to read in an attempt to set a new world record for summer reading. Kids sign up for their school, choose books they want to read, then log their reading minutes at the Summer Challenge headquarters. Schools that log the most minutes will be published in the 2011 edition of the Scholastic Book of World Records! Students will also be a part of a 50,000 book donation to Reading Is Fundamental.
More info:
Sign up:
Assignment: The World Program Review Survey: Deadline June 30, 2010
Teachers can get free access to the Assignment: The World (ATW), a weekly 15-minute news and global issues program targeted at 3rd-8th grade classrooms and its web resources for the remainder of the school year in exchange for feedback on a national survey to provide directions on content, educational resources and interactive directions.
**Classrooms respond weekly to important issue questions which are featured on the show.
32 15-minute programs, one per week from September until MayCovering topics such as:
**Current Events, Civics, Geography, History, Science, Global Issues, and MORE!
**On Public TV & on the Web (
WXXI is conducting a national survey of teachers focusing on the usability, content and resources available from Assignment: The World. Preview the Series and Give Feedback at:
PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online
It's My Life is looking to hear kids' stories..
The It's My Life Blog: Share your Immigration story with IML!
It's My Life is looking to hear kids' stories about moving from one country to another. Do you have one to tell?
PBS Teacher Previews is permitted with proper credit given to PBS Online
Online World History Book
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Scholastic Competition
For more interactive literacy building, have your class stretch their word power via a live Definition Competition with WordGirl on May 11, 1PM ET. Register now for a chance to win exclusive prizes.
♥WHEN: May 11, 2010 at 1:00 PM (ET) / 10:00 AM (PT)
♥♥WHAT: A competition to exercise students' vocabulary
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program

1. Kids read any eight (8) books of their choosing.
2. Kids use the Passport to Summer Reading to document the places visited in each book. A parent/guardian signs the Passport when it's complete.
3. Kids bring their completed Passport to any B&N store between May 25 and September 7, 2010.
4. We'll give them a coupon for a FREE BOOK, to be chosen from a list of exceptional paperback titles.*
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wrestlemania Reading Challenge
Calling all librarians and teachers in the United States and Canada! Sign ups for the WrestleMania XXVII Reading Challenge are underway and are open until July 31. Register to participate now!
As it enters its fifth year, the WrestleMania Reading Challenge, with a new format, is going to be bigger and better than ever. The Challenge will now take place from October 16-25, 2010, during Teen Read Week. During that time, students will pledge to read five books or graphic novels between Teen Read Week and WrestleMania XXVII on April 3, 2011. They also must complete a competitive project to win a trip to WrestleMania XXVII. The students chosen as Grand Prize Winners will represent their libraries at the WrestleMania Reading Challenge World Finals in Atlanta on April 2, 2011, and will win their libraries $2,000 worth of grants and other prizes. The program is easy to implement, and WWE and YALSA will give you everything you need for a fun-filled educational experience that hooks kids on reading.
Read More Here -->
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How we school:
We normally start around the 3rd week in July and end in April. We take off a week and a half for Christmas. We also take off Halloween and New Years Day.
Since I have 3 kids to homeschool (6th, 5th, and 2nd), I have created binders to put all of the worksheets that I use in them, so that way I will have them for the next child when they need it. We recycle all of the papers that we use by shredding them and adding the shredded paper to our garden or our bean bag.
We got an old office from our local Goodwill for $30. It is made of wood and has drawers where we keep our supplies in.
Also 90% of the books that we use I get through Amazon because some of the survey companies that I am a member of, I cash out for Amazon dollars and buy books and supplies that we need.
Our homeschool area is setup in our dining room area, in the corner. I snapped some pics to show our work center.

Sunday, April 11, 2010
How a Bill becomes Law:
School House Rock video:
Homeschool Tracker
They have a pay version and a free basic version. I downloaded the basic version. When you download it you will also need Winzip which is also a free download program in order to open the homeschool tracker program.
Forces in action
Monday, April 5, 2010
Where Words Touch the Earth
Explore the complete Where Words Touch the Earth collection at:
In this new digital media collection for grades 3-12, students from American Indian Tribal Colleges interview Elders, other students, and community members to provide a Native American perspective on climate change and its effects on their communities.Videos in this collection are available for download, and touch on key environmental science issues and indigenous knowledge of the depleted salmon population in Washington State, the ecological function and spiritual role of wetlands, and the relationship between humans and nature.Additionally, a media-rich activity designed for teacher professional development allows teachers to reconnect with their environment by taking a walk, observing the nature world around them, and plan an activity for students that will help them better understand their own surroundings and how they interact with the natural world.The complete collection of Where Words Touch the Earth includes:
- Native Student Filmmakers Focus on Climate Change
- Overstepping Mother Earth's Boundaries
- Salmon Move into Deeper Waters
- Salmon Population Depleted
- Sense of Smell Leads Salmon Home
- Warmer Water Kills Salmon Eggs
- Wetlands
- Witnessing Environmental Changes
- Reconnecting with Your Environment (Teacher Activity)
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Smithsonian's History Explorer
Quote: "Your gateway to innovative, standards-based online resources for teaching and learning American history, designed and developed by the National Museum of American History as part of Verizon's consortium. Explore the rich resources of the Museum and bring history to life with artifacts, primary sources, and online tools for the classroom, afterschool programs, and home."
Teaching Spanish
This is a wonderful Spanish teaching site. It is aimed for kids. There are games, and worksheets that your child can use to learn Spanish. I used this site this year for my kids since we are all new to speaking Spanish.
Freebie of the Day
This is a wonderful site that you can download free books, audio stories and much more.Sign up for their newsletter that they send out every week letting you know what the upcoming freebies are.Their site is Christian oriented.
PBS lessons and videos
You can search for various subjects and it will provide links to shows, lesson plans, videos, and more to help you with your teaching.
American Musuem of Natural History (Science)
Contains various Science stories and videos
Contains lots of Science lesson, games, and videos
Health Subjects
Bike Safety:
Food Pyramid:
Why Exercise is Cool:
Healthy Refrigerator Quiz:
All about puberty (boys and girls):
Talk about your Feelings:
Saying your Sorry:
First Aid:
Printable USA and State Maps
Spark notes for Reading
Wind in the Willows:
I want to be a Veterinarian...
Help with Animal and Plant Cells
Plant Cells:
Inside a Cell:
Cell Structure:
Science Lessons / Projects
Lessons and Projects:
The Human Body
How Nerves Work:
How your Brain Works:
Muscles of the Human Body:
How Muscles Work:
Muscular System:
Skeletal System:
Muscular and Skeletal System:
Skeleton System:
How Blood Works:
How your Heart Works:
Digestive System:
Science Games
Dinosaurs Matching Game:
Tour of the Heart Game:
Simple Machines - Pulley / Lever:
Rainforest Alliance :
Food Chains:
Food Webs:
Science Videos
Human Body Videos
Magic School Bus - Human Body 1:
Urinary System:
Skeletal System:
Nervous System:
How the Heart Works: