Saturday June 19, 2010 at 7 PM, park rangers and volunteers will present
Voices from the Past. This non-walking program, based on the stories of soldiers buried in Stones River National Cemetery and their families,
is an alternative for people who are physically unable to go on the hour long lantern tours of the cemetery.
Visitors will gather on the back patio of the visitor center and listen to soldiers and civilians who will share their tales of loss and sorrow.
The program will begin at 7 PM on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Reservations are required and must be made by calling (615) 893-9501 starting on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 9 AM. Reservations will not be taken in the visitor center or by e-mail. There is a limit of four tickets per caller and reservations are not transferable to another program date.
If you have always wanted to hear the stories told during the cemetery lantern tours but were physically unable to join them, this is the program for you.
These programs are a part of a series of interpretive programs offered at the battlefield during the year. Stones River National Battlefield is located on the Old Nashville Highway, northwest of Murfreesboro. Additional information is available at the visitor center, at the park web site
http://www.nps.gov/stri or by calling (615) 893-9501.
HALLOWED GROUND: A LANTERN TOUR OF STONES RIVER NATIONAL CEMETERYSuperintendent Stuart Johnson announced that Stones River National Battlefield will offer Hallowed Ground: A Lantern Tour of Stones River National Cemetery during 2010. Each scheduled evening, one hour tours of up to thirty-five people will tour the cemetery by lantern light and listen to the stories of the soldiers who are buried there and their families.
The next program
will begin at 7:30 PM on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Reservations are required and must be made by calling (615) 893-9501 starting on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 9 AM. Reservations will not be taken in the visitor center or by e-mail. There is a limit of four tickets per caller and reservations are not transferable to another program date.
These programs are a part of a series of interpretive programs offered at the battlefield during the year. Stones River National Battlefield is located on the Old Nashville Highway, northwest of Murfreesboro. Additional information is available at the visitor center, at the park web site
http://www.nps.gov/stri or by calling (615) 893-9501.